API v9.6.3
Name | Description |
DayPicker | Render the date picker calendar. |
DayPickerProps | The props for the <DayPicker /> component. |
PropsBase | Props for customizing the calendar, handling localization, and managing events. These exclude the selection mode props. |
PropsMulti | The props when the multiple selection is optional. |
PropsMultiRequired | The props when the multiple selection is required. |
PropsRange | The props when the range selection is optional. |
PropsRangeRequired | The props when the range selection is required. |
PropsSingle | The props when the single selection is optional. |
PropsSingleRequired | The props when the single selection is required. |
Class | Description |
CalendarDay | Represent the day displayed in the calendar. |
CalendarMonth | Represent a month in a calendar year. Contains the weeks within the month. |
CalendarWeek | Represent a week in a calendar month. |
DateLib | A wrapper class around date-fns sharing the same options. |
Function | Description |
CaptionLabel | Render the label in the month caption. |
Chevron | Render the chevron icon used in the navigation buttons and dropdowns. |
Day | Render the gridcell of a day in the calendar and handle the interaction and the focus with they day. |
DayButton | Render the button for a day in the calendar. |
Dropdown | Render a dropdown component to use in the navigation bar. |
DropdownNav | Render the the navigation dropdowns. |
Footer | Component wrapping the footer. |
Month | Render the grid with the weekday header row and the weeks for the given month. |
MonthCaption | Render the caption of a month in the calendar. |
MonthGrid | Render the grid of days in a month. |
Months | Component wrapping the month grids. |
MonthsDropdown | Render the dropdown to navigate between months. |
Nav | Render the toolbar with the navigation button. |
NextMonthButton | Render the next month button element in the calendar. |
Option | Render the option element. |
PreviousMonthButton | Render the previous month button element in the calendar. |
Root | Render the root element. |
Select | Render the select element. |
Week | Render a row in the calendar, with the days and the week number. |
Weekday | Render the column header with the weekday name (e.g. "Mo", "Tu", etc.). |
Weekdays | Render the row with the weekday names. |
WeekNumber | Render the cell with the number of the week. |
WeekNumberHeader | Render the column header for the week numbers. |
Weeks | Render the weeks in the month grid. |
YearsDropdown | Render the dropdown to navigate between years. |
Function | Description |
formatCaption | Format the caption of the month. |
formatDay | Format the day date shown in the day cell. |
formatMonthDropdown | Format the month number for the dropdown option label. |
formatWeekdayName | Format the weekday name to be displayed in the weekdays header. |
formatWeekNumber | Format the week number. |
formatWeekNumberHeader | Format the week number header. |
formatYearDropdown | Format the years for the dropdown option label. |
Function | Description |
labelDayButton | The ARIA label for the day button. |
labelGrid | The ARIA label for the month grid, that will be announced when entering the grid. |
labelGridcell | The label for the day gridcell when the calendar is not interactive. |
labelMonthDropdown | The ARIA label for the months dropdown. |
labelNav | The ARIA label for the navigation toolbar. |
labelNext | The ARIA label for next month button. |
labelPrevious | The ARIA label for previous month button. |
labelWeekday | The ARIA label for the Weekday column header. |
labelWeekNumber | The ARIA label for the week number cell (the first cell in the row). |
labelWeekNumberHeader | The ARIA label for the week number header element. |
labelYearDropdown | The ARIA label for the years dropdown. |
Function | Description |
addToRange | Add a day to an existing range. |
dateMatchModifiers | Returns whether a day matches against at least one of the given Matcher. |
getDefaultClassNames | Get the default class names for the UI elements. |
isDateAfterType | Returns true if value is of type DateAfter. |
isDateBeforeType | Returns true if value is of type DateBefore. |
isDateInterval | Returns true if matcher is of type DateInterval. |
isDateRange | Returns true if value is a DateRange type. |
isDayOfWeekType | Returns true if value is a DayOfWeek type. |
rangeContainsDayOfWeek | Returns whether a date range contains one or more days of the week. |
rangeContainsModifiers | Returns whether a range contains dates that match the given modifiers. |
rangeIncludesDate | Determines whether a given date is inside a specified date range. |
rangeOverlaps | Determines whether a given range overlaps with another range. |
Function | Description |
useDayPicker | Returns the context to work with <DayPicker /> inside custom components. |
Enumeration | Description |
Animation | Enum representing different animation states for transitioning between months. |
DayFlag | The flags for the UI.Day. |
SelectionState | The state that can be applied to the UI.Day element when in selection mode. |
UI | The UI elements composing DayPicker. These elements are mapped to CustomComponents, the ClassNames and the Styles used by DayPicker. |
Interface | Description |
DateLibOptions | The options for the DateLib class. |
Type Aliases
Type alias | Description |
ButtonProps | - |
CaptionLabelProps | - |
ChevronProps | - |
ClassNames | The CSS classnames to use for the UI elements, the SelectionState and the DayFlag. |
CustomComponents | The components that can be changed using the components prop. |
DateAfter | Match a day falling after the specified date, with the date not included. |
DateBefore | Match a day falling before the specified date, with the date not included. |
DateInterval | An interval of dates. Differently from DateRange, the range ends here are not included. |
DateRange | A range of dates. The range can be open. Differently from DateInterval, the range ends here are included. |
DayButtonProps | - |
DayEventHandler | The event handler triggered when clicking or interacting with a day. |
DayOfWeek | Match dates being one of the specified days of the week (0-6 , where 0 is Sunday). |
DayPickerContext | Represents the context for the DayPicker component, providing various properties and methods to interact with the calendar. |
DayProps | - |
Deprecated UI elements and flags. | |
DropdownNavProps | - |
DropdownOption | An option to use in the dropdown. Maps to the <option> HTML element. |
DropdownProps | - |
FooterProps | - |
Formatters | Represent a map of formatters used to render localized content. |
Labels | Map of functions to translate ARIA labels for the relative elements. |
Matcher | A value or a function that matches a specific day. |
Mode | Selection modes supported by DayPicker. |
Modifiers | Represents the modifiers that match a specific day in the calendar. |
ModifiersClassNames | The classnames to assign to each day element matching a modifier. |
ModifiersStyles | The style to apply to each day element matching a modifier. |
MonthCaptionProps | - |
MonthChangeEventHandler | The event handler when a month is changed in the calendar. |
MonthGridProps | - |
MonthProps | - |
MonthsProps | - |
MoveFocusBy | The temporal unit to move the focus by. |
MoveFocusDir | The direction to move the focus relative to the current focused date. |
NavProps | - |
NextMonthButtonProps | - |
Numerals | The numbering system supported by DayPicker. |
OnSelectHandler | Shared handler type for onSelect callback when a selection mode is set. |
OptionProps | - |
PreviousMonthButtonProps | - |
RootProps | - |
SelectedMulti | - |
SelectedRange | - |
SelectedSingle | - |
SelectedValue | - |
SelectHandler | - |
SelectHandlerMulti | - |
SelectHandlerRange | - |
SelectHandlerSingle | - |
Selection | - |
SelectProps | - |
Styles | The CSS styles to use for the UI elements, the SelectionState and the DayFlag. |
WeekdayProps | - |
WeekdaysProps | - |
WeekNumberHeaderProps | - |
WeekNumberProps | - |
WeekProps | - |
WeeksProps | - |
Variable | Description |
defaultDateLib | The default date library with English locale. |