Type Alias: DayPickerContext<T>
>: {classNames
: (day
) =>Modifiers
: (month
) =>void
: (date
) =>boolean
> |undefined
> |undefined
> |undefined
; }
Defined in: src/useDayPicker.ts:34
Represents the context for the DayPicker component, providing various properties and methods to interact with the calendar.
Type Parameters
Type Parameter | Description |
T extends { mode : Mode ; required : boolean ; } | The type of the DayPicker props, which must optionally include mode and required properties. This type can be used to refine the type returned by the hook. |
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
classNames | ClassNames | The class names for the UI elements. |
components | CustomComponents | The components used internally by DayPicker. |
dayPickerProps | DayPickerProps | The props as passed to the DayPicker component. Since 9.3.0 |
formatters | Formatters | The formatters used to format the UI elements. |
getModifiers | (day ) => Modifiers | Returns the modifiers for the given day. |
goToMonth | (month ) => void | Navigate to the specified month. Will fire the onMonthChange callback. |
isSelected | (date ) => boolean | undefined | Whether the given date is selected. |
labels | Labels | The labels used in the user interface. |
months | CalendarMonth [] | The months displayed in the calendar. |
nextMonth | Date | undefined | The next month to display. |
previousMonth | Date | undefined | The previous month to display. |
select | SelectHandler <T > | undefined | Set a selection. |
selected | SelectedValue <T > | undefined | The selected date(s). |
styles | Partial <Styles > | undefined | The styles for the UI elements. |