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Type Alias: DeprecatedUI<T>

DeprecatedUI<T>: { button: T; button_reset: T; caption: T; caption_between: T; caption_dropdowns: T; caption_end: T; caption_start: T; cell: T; day_disabled: T; day_hidden: T; day_outside: T; day_range_end: T; day_range_middle: T; day_range_start: T; day_selected: T; day_today: T; dropdown_icon: T; dropdown_month: T; dropdown_year: T; head: T; head_cell: T; head_row: T; multiple_months: T; nav_button: T; nav_button_next: T; nav_button_previous: T; nav_icon: T; row: T; table: T; tbody: T; tfoot: T; vhidden: T; weeknumber: T; with_weeknumber: T; }

Defined in: src/UI.ts:126

Deprecated UI elements and flags.

These elements were used in previous version of DayPicker and are kept here to help the transition to the new UI elements.

  <DayPicker classNames={{
- cell: "my-cell",
+ day: "my-cell",
- day: "my-day",
+ day_button: "my-day",
- day_disabled: "my-day_disabled",
+ disabled: "my-day_disabled",
// etc.

Type Parameters

Type Parameter
T extends CSSProperties | string

Type declaration

buttonTThis element was applied to the style of any button in DayPicker and it is replaced by UI.PreviousMonthButton and UI.NextMonthButton. Deprecated
button_resetTThis element was resetting the style of any button in DayPicker and it is replaced by UI.PreviousMonthButton and UI.NextMonthButton. Deprecated
captionTThis element has been renamed to UI.MonthCaption. Deprecated
caption_betweenTThis element has been removed. Captions are styled via UI.MonthCaption. Deprecated
caption_dropdownsTThis element has been renamed to UI.Dropdowns. Deprecated
caption_endTThis element has been removed. Captions are styled via UI.MonthCaption. Deprecated
caption_startTThis element has been removed. Deprecated
cellTThis element has been renamed to UI.Day. Deprecated
day_disabledTThis element has been renamed to DayFlag.disabled. Deprecated
day_hiddenTThis element has been renamed to DayFlag.hidden. Deprecated
day_outsideTThis element has been renamed to DayFlag.outside. Deprecated
day_range_endTThis element has been renamed to SelectionState.range_end. Deprecated
day_range_middleTThis element has been renamed to SelectionState.range_middle. Deprecated
day_range_startTThis element has been renamed to SelectionState.range_start. Deprecated
day_selectedTThis element has been renamed to SelectionState.selected. Deprecated
day_todayTThis element has been renamed to Deprecated
dropdown_iconTThis element has been removed. The dropdown icon is now UI.Chevron inside a UI.CaptionLabel. Deprecated
dropdown_monthTThis element has been renamed to UI.MonthsDropdown. Deprecated
dropdown_yearTThis element has been renamed to UI.YearsDropdown. Deprecated
headTThis element has been removed. Deprecated
head_cellTThis element has been renamed to UI.Weekday. Deprecated
head_rowTThis element has been renamed to UI.Weekdays. Deprecated
multiple_monthsTThis flag has been removed. Use data-multiple-months in your CSS selectors. Deprecated
nav_buttonTThis element has been removed. To style the navigation buttons, use UI.PreviousMonthButton and UI.NextMonthButton. Deprecated
nav_button_nextTThis element has been renamed to UI.NextMonthButton. Deprecated
nav_button_previousTThis element has been renamed to UI.PreviousMonthButton. Deprecated
nav_iconTThis element has been removed. The dropdown icon is now UI.Chevron inside a UI.NextMonthButton or a UI.PreviousMonthButton. Deprecated
rowTThis element has been renamed to UI.Week. Deprecated
tableTThis element has been renamed to UI.MonthGrid. Deprecated
tbodyTThis element has been renamed to UI.Weeks. Deprecated
tfootTThis element has been removed. The UI.Footer is now a single element below the months. Deprecated
vhiddenTThis flag has been removed. There are no "visually hidden" elements in DayPicker 9. Deprecated
weeknumberTThis element has been renamed. Use UI.WeekNumber instead. Deprecated
with_weeknumberTThis flag has been removed. Use data-week-numbers in your CSS. Deprecated



