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Type Alias: Formatters

Formatters: { formatCaption: typeof formatCaption; formatDay: typeof formatDay; formatMonthDropdown: typeof formatMonthDropdown; formatWeekdayName: typeof formatWeekdayName; formatWeekNumber: typeof formatWeekNumber; formatWeekNumberHeader: typeof formatWeekNumberHeader; formatYearDropdown: typeof formatYearDropdown; }

Defined in: src/types/shared.ts:107

Represent a map of formatters used to render localized content.

Type declaration

formatCaptiontypeof formatCaptionFormat the caption of a month grid.
formatDaytypeof formatDayFormat the day in the day cell.
formatMonthDropdowntypeof formatMonthDropdownFormat the label in the month dropdown.
formatWeekdayNametypeof formatWeekdayNameFormat the week day name in the header.
formatWeekNumbertypeof formatWeekNumberFormat the week number.
formatWeekNumberHeadertypeof formatWeekNumberHeaderFormat the header of the week number column.
formatYearDropdowntypeof formatYearDropdownFormat the label in the year dropdown.