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Type Alias: Labels

Labels: { labelDayButton: typeof labelDayButton; labelGrid: typeof labelGrid; labelGridcell: typeof labelGridcell; labelMonthDropdown: typeof labelMonthDropdown; labelNav: typeof labelNav; labelNext: typeof labelNext; labelPrevious: typeof labelPrevious; labelWeekday: typeof labelWeekday; labelWeekNumber: typeof labelWeekNumber; labelWeekNumberHeader: typeof labelWeekNumberHeader; labelYearDropdown: typeof labelYearDropdown; }

Defined in: src/types/shared.ts:135

Map of functions to translate ARIA labels for the relative elements.

Type declaration

labelDayButtontypeof labelDayButtonThe label for the day button.
labelGridtypeof labelGridThe label for the month grid.
labelGridcelltypeof labelGridcellThe label for the gridcell, when the calendar is not interactive.
labelMonthDropdowntypeof labelMonthDropdownThe label for the month dropdown.
labelNavtypeof labelNavThe label for the navigation toolbar.
labelNexttypeof labelNextThe label for the "next month" button.
labelPrevioustypeof labelPreviousThe label for the "previous month" button.
labelWeekdaytypeof labelWeekdayThe label for the weekday.
labelWeekNumbertypeof labelWeekNumberThe label for the week number.
labelWeekNumberHeadertypeof labelWeekNumberHeaderReturn the label for the column of the week number. Since 9.0.0
labelYearDropdowntypeof labelYearDropdownThe label for the year dropdown.