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DayPicker Anatomy

To better understand the documentation, familiarize yourself with the elements that compose DayPicker:

  • Navigation Bar: Contains arrows to navigate between months.
  • Month Caption: Displays the title of the current month.
  • Weekdays Row: Shows the names of the weekdays.
  • Weeks: Rows that display the days of the month.
  • Day: Represents a day of the month, which can have different modifiers, such as:
    • selected: The day is selected.
    • disabled: The day is disabled.
    • today: The day is today.
    • outside: The day is outside the current month.
  • Footer: An ARIA live region used to announce the selected date.

The UI elements are mapped to CSS classes. A complete list can be found in the UI enum.

The elements of a DayPicker component.The elements of a DayPicker component.