Months Navigation
Default Month
By default, DayPicker renders the current month. You can change the default month by setting the defaultMonth
prop to a specific date.
Prop Name | Type | Description |
defaultMonth | Date | The initial month to show in the calendar. Default is the current month. |
For example, to render a calendar starting from September 1979:
<DayPicker defaultMonth={new Date(1979, 8)} />
Controlling the Month
To programmatically control the month displayed when navigating, use the month
and onMonthChange
Prop Name | Type | Description |
month | Date | The month displayed in the calendar. |
onMonthChange | MonthChangeEventHandler | Callback when the month changes. |
import { useState } from "react";
import { DayPicker } from "react-day-picker";
export function Controlled() {
const [month, setMonth] = useState(new Date(2024, 9)); // Start from October 2024
return <DayPicker month={month} onMonthChange={setMonth} />;
Today Button
For example, to implement a Go to Today button, set month
to the current date when the button is clicked.
import { useState } from "react";
import { addMonths } from "date-fns";
import { DayPicker } from "react-day-picker";
export function Controlled() {
const today = new Date();
const nextMonth = addMonths(today, 1);
const [month, setMonth] = useState(nextMonth);
return (
<DayPicker month={month} onMonthChange={setMonth} />
<button onClick={() => setMonth(today)}>Go to Today</button>
Start and End Dates
Limit the dates the user can navigate to by using the startMonth
and endMonth
Prop Name | Type | Description |
startMonth | Date | The earliest month to start the navigation. |
endMonth | Date | The latest month to end the navigation. |
<DayPicker startMonth={new Date(2024, 0)} endMonth={new Date(2025, 11)} />
Animating Month Transitions
To animate the transition between months, set the animate
prop to true
Prop Name | Type | Description |
animate | boolean | Enable the transition animation when navigating between months. |
<DayPicker animate />
Customizing the Animation
Use the supported CSS variables to customize the animation duration or timing function:
.custom-animate {
--rdp-animation_duration: 0.1s; /* Change the duration of the transition. */
--rdp-animation_timing: ease-in; /* Choose a different timing function. */
<DayPicker animate className="custom-animate" />
Accessibility Note
To improve accessibility for users who prefer reduced motion, you can use the prefers-reduced-motion
media query to disable animations.
@media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
.custom-animate {
--rdp-animation_duration: 0s;
Changing the Animation Functions
For a more advanced customization, you can change override the default style with your own animation functions:
.rdp-caption_after_enter {
animation:; /* Your value here */
Class Names Used For Animations
Class Name | Description |
.rdp-caption_after_enter | Caption animation for the month after, when enters. |
.rdp-caption_after_exit | Caption animation for the month after, when exits. |
.rdp-caption_before_enter | Caption animation for the month before, when enters. |
.rdp-caption_before_exit | Caption animation for the month before, when exits. |
.rdp-weeks_before_enter | Weeks animation for the month before, when enters. |
.rdp-weeks_before_exit | Weeks animation for the month before, when exits. |
.rdp-weeks_after_enter | Weeks animation for the month after, when enters. |
.rdp-weeks_after_exit | Weeks animation for the month after, when exits. |
Customizing the animation function, such as for a up/down transition, can be challenging due to the HTML table structure of the grid. We may improve this in a future version. Please leave your feedback in DayPicker Discussions.
Disabling the Navigation
To prevent the user from navigating between months, set the disableNavigation
prop to true
Prop Name | Type | Description |
disableNavigation | boolean | Disable the navigation between months. |
<DayPicker disableNavigation />
Hiding the Navigation
To hide the navigation completely, set the hideNavigation
prop to true
. Useful when setting the caption layout to "dropdown"
Prop Name | Type | Description |
hideNavigation | boolean | Hide the navigation bar. |
<DayPicker hideNavigation captionLayout="dropdown" />