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Selection Modes

DayPicker offers predefined rules for day selection:

  • Single mode: allows the selection of a single day.
  • Multiple mode: allows the selection of multiple individual days.
  • Range mode: allows the selection of a continuous range of days.

The mode prop determines the selection mode. Use the disabled prop to prevent the selection of specific days. The selected and onSelect props provide customization options for the selection process.

Prop NameTypeDescription
mode"single" | "multiple" | "range"Enter a selection mode.
disabledMatcher | Matcher[]Disabled days that cannot be selected.
selectedDate | Date[] | DateRange | undefinedThe selected day(s).
requiredbooleanWhen true, the selection is required.
onSelectOnSelectHandlerEvent callback when a date is selected.

Single Mode

When the mode prop is set to "single", only one day can be selected at a time.

<DayPicker mode="single" />

Single Mode Props

Prop NameTypeDescription
selectedDate | undefinedThe selected date.
onSelectOnSelectHandler<Date | undefined>Event callback when a date is selected.
requiredbooleanMake the selection required.

Controlled Selections

Use the selected and onSelect props to control the selected date:

export function App() {
const [selected, setSelected] = React.useState<Date | undefined>();
return <DayPicker mode="single" selected={selected} onSelect={setSelected} />;

Required Selection

By setting the required prop, DayPicker ensures that the user cannot unselect the selected date.

<DayPicker mode="single" required />

Multiple Mode

Set the mode prop to "multiple" to enable the selection of multiple days in DayPicker.

<DayPicker mode="multiple" />

Multiple Mode Props

Prop NameTypeDescription
selectedDate[] | undefinedThe selected dates.
onSelectOnSelectHandler<Date[] | undefined>Event callback when a date is selected.
minnumberThe minimum dates that can be selected.
maxnumberThe maximum dates that can be selected.
requiredbooleanMake the selection required.

Use the selected and onSelect props to manage the selected date:

export function App() {
const [selected, setSelected] = React.useState<Date[] | undefined>();

return (
<DayPicker mode="multiple" selected={selected} onSelect={setSelected} />

Min and Max Dates

Use the min and max props to limit the number of selectable dates.

<DayPicker mode="multiple" min={2} max={5} />

Required Selection

By setting the required prop, DayPicker ensures that the selected dates cannot be unselected.

<DayPicker mode="multiple" required selected={[new Date()]} />

Range Mode

Set the mode prop to "range" to enable the selection of a continuous range of dates in DayPicker.

<DayPicker mode="range" />

Range Mode Props

Prop NameTypeDescription
selectedDateRangeThe selected range.
onSelectOnSelectHandler<DateRange | undefined>Event callback when a date is selected.
requiredbooleanMake the selection required.
minnumberThe minimum dates that can be selected.
maxnumberThe maximum dates that can be selected.
excludeDisabledbooleanExclude disabled dates from the range.

Min and Max Dates

By default, a range can have a length of 0 nights, meaning the start date can be the same as the end date. Use the min prop to set the minimum number of nights. The range will remain "open" until at least the min number of nights are selected.

Similarly, use the max prop to set the maximum number of nights.

<DayPicker mode="range" min={1} max={6} />

Required Ranges

By setting the required prop, DayPicker ensures that the selected range cannot be unselected.

<DayPicker mode="range" required />

Disabling Dates

To disable specific days, use the disabled prop. Disabled dates cannot be selected.

The prop accepts a Matcher or an array of matchers to specify which days should be disabled.

Disabling Specific Dates

// disable weekends
<DayPicker mode="range" disabled={{ dayOfWeek: [0, 6] }} />

Disabling Dates in the Past

<DayPicker mode="single" disabled={{ before: new Date() }} />

Excluding Disabled Dates from Range

In range mode, disabled dates are included in the selected range by default. To exclude disabled dates from the range, use the excludeDisabled prop. If a disabled date is selected, the range will reset.

// Disable weekends
disabled={{ dayOfWeek: [0, 6] }}
// Reset range when a disabled date is included

Customizing Selections

To customize the behavior of a selection mode, use the select and onSelect props to handle the selection event and update the selected dates according to your application's requirements:

import { useState } from "react";

import { DayPicker } from "react-day-picker";

export function App() {
const [selected, setSelected] = useState<Date[] | undefined>();
const handleSelect = (newSelected) => {
// Update the selected dates
return (
<DayPicker mode="multiple" selected={selected} onSelect={handleSelect} />

You can also set the selection mode to default and implement your own mode using modifiers and onDayClick. For more information, read the Custom Selections guide.