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Version: 8.10.1

Enumeration: InternalModifier

The name of the modifiers that are used internally by DayPicker.

Enumeration Members

Enumeration MemberValueDescription
Disabled"disabled"Name of the modifier applied to the disabled days, using the disabled
Hidden"hidden"Name of the modifier applied to the hidden days using the hidden prop).
RangeEnd"range_end"The modifier applied to the day ending a selected range, when in range
selection mode.
RangeMiddle"range_middle"The modifier applied to the days between the start and the end of a
selected range, when in range selection mode.
RangeStart"range_start"The modifier applied to the day starting a selected range, when in range
selection mode.
Selected"selected"Name of the modifier applied to the selected days using the selected
Today"today"Name of the modifier applied to the day specified using the today prop).