Type alias: StyledElement<T>
>: {"button"
; }
The style (either via class names or via in-line styles) of an element.
Type parameters
Type parameter | Value |
T | string | CSSProperties |
Type declaration
Member | Type | Description |
button | T | The buttons. |
button_reset | T | The style for resetting the buttons. |
caption | T | The caption (showing the calendar heading and the navigation) |
caption_between | T | The caption when between two months (when multipleMonths > 2 ). |
caption_dropdowns | T | The drop-downs container. |
caption_end | T | The caption when at the end of a series of months. |
caption_label | T | The caption label. |
caption_start | T | The caption when at the start of a series of months. |
cell | T | The table cell containing the day element. |
day | T | The day element: it is a span when not interactive, a button otherwise. |
day_disabled | T | The day when disabled. |
day_hidden | T | The day when hidden. |
day_outside | T | The day when outside the month. |
day_range_end | T | The day when at the end of a selected range. |
day_range_middle | T | The day in the middle of a selected range: it does not include the "from" and the "to" days. |
day_range_start | T | The day when at the start of a selected range. |
day_selected | T | The day when selected. |
day_today | T | The day when today. |
dropdown | T | The drop-down (select) element. |
dropdown_icon | T | The drop-down icon. |
dropdown_month | T | The drop-down to change the month. |
dropdown_year | T | The drop-down to change the year. |
head | T | The table’s head. |
head_cell | T | The head cell. |
head_row | T | The row in the head. |
month | T | The table wrapper. |
months | T | The months wrapper. |
multiple_months | T | The root element when numberOfMonths > 1 . |
nav | T | The navigation container. |
nav_button | T | The navigation button. |
nav_button_next | T | The "next month" navigation button. |
nav_button_previous | T | The "previous month" navigation button. |
nav_icon | T | The icon for the navigation button. |
root | T | The root element. |
row | T | The table’s row. |
table | T | Table containing the monthly calendar. |
tbody | T | The table body. |
tfoot | T | The table footer. |
vhidden | T | The style of an element visually hidden. |
weeknumber | T | The weeknumber displayed in the column. |
with_weeknumber | T | The root element when showWeekNumber={true} . |