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Version: 8.10.1


Use the customization props to customize the appearance of the calendar.

Customization Props

Prop NameTypeDescription
captionLayout"dropdown" | "buttons" |
Change the layout of the caption.
Default is "buttons".
showOutsideDaysbooleanDisplay the days falling into the other months.
fixedWeeksbooleanDisplay 6 weeks per months.
hideWeekdayRowbooleanHide the row displaying the weekday names.
footerReactNodeDisplays a footer below the calendar.

Caption Layout

Use the captionLayout prop to the layout of the caption used to navigate the calendar.

As default, DayPicker will show navigation buttons on the top corner.

<DayPicker captionLayout="buttons" /> // Default value

Use dropdown or dropdown-buttons to display a navigation dropdown.


To use this prop, you need to set both fromYear and toYear. (This requirement will be removed in a next version.)

<DayPicker captionLayout="dropdown" fromYear={2010} toYear={2024} />
<DayPicker captionLayout="dropdown-buttons" fromYear={2010} toYear={2024} />

Outside Days

By default, DayPicker hides the days falling into the other months. Use showOutsideDays to display them.

<DayPicker showOutsideDays />

Fixed Weeks

In a year, months can have between 4 an 6 weeks. Use fixedWeeks with showOutsideDays to always display 6 weeks per month. This will prevent the grid changing its height while navigating the calendar.


In the current version, this prop requires showOutsideDays set to work. This requirement will be removed in the next major version.

<DayPicker showOutsideDays fixedWeeks />

Multiple Months

To display multiple months in the calendar, use the numberOfMonths prop.

Prop NameTypeDescription
numberOfMonthsnumberThe number of displayed months. Default is 1.
pagedNavigationbooleanPaginate the navigation.
reverseMonthsbooleanRender multiple months in reversed order.
<DayPicker numberOfMonths={2} />

Paged Navigation

With pagedNavigation, the navigation jumps by the specified number of months at time.

<DayPicker numberOfMonths={2} pagedNavigation />

Week Numbers

To display the column with the week numbers, use the showWeekNumber prop. Use the onWeekNumberClick to handle the click event.

Prop NameTypeDescription
showWeekNumberbooleanDisplay the week numbers.
onWeekNumberClickWeekNumberClickEventHandlerEvent handler when the week number is clicked.
<DayPicker showWeekNumber onWeekNumberClick={setWeekNumber} />